I will always feel kind of bad….

Because I haven’t been able to purchase all of the NaNoWriMo group’s books that interest me. Often, it actually boils down to the simple fact that I don’t even make the minimum of a living wage where I live, so I generally have to choose between which bill here and there and eating.

I wanted to post to one of the wrimos today that if they would link me to their book on Amazon, I’d see if it fit into my too small budget this week, and if it did, come payday, I’d buy it. That’s usually how it is, and right now, most of my book purchases are currently planned out for the next three months. (Kate Mulgrew’s Born With Teeth, is the major splurge – I’ll be buying that hardback – so it’ll be over $25 – which I’ve already got mostly saved as a tiny little gift to myself.) Read more “I will always feel kind of bad….”

Holiday, Feburary, Year of Writing Update

Happy Valentine’s Day, even though it is a day late. (YAY! HALF PRICE CANDY DAY.)

Okay, so Feburary hasn’t been that good of a month for me on writing.

I’ve literally been in a downswing on the mood all month, and haven’t felt like doing much of anything. Unless I’m hopped up on an energy drink.

So I drank one at the beginning of the 13 hour shift that I have tonight, and so far I haven’t felt my usual round of hyper-crazy. This saddens me a little, but I think I know how I’m going to get shit accomplished this upcoming week.

I’m 19k words behind on Feb alone. YTD, I’m nearly a month behind (right around 40.5k, to be precise). And that’s not even counting those days where I wrote but didn’t reach word count. *sighs* (ew. I just added in those days, and I’m more like 52.5K behind. Ew.)


Massive amount of text behind the cut guys, I’m sorry. You really don’t have to stick around for it all, I promise. (This is mostly a “hey, I am alive and here, mostly” sort of post.)  Read more “Holiday, Feburary, Year of Writing Update”