I had made plans, dammit

I had made a great plan for myself and then life promptly kicked me in the ass.

Needless to say, those plans had a bit of a wrench thrown in them by my slowly adapting to the new meds I’m on for my various issues. The ADHD meds have given me enough blocks that I am having trouble writing again, and of course it happened right as I was planning to put nose to the grindstone and bust out three novellas in 9 months. As of right now, They’re being pushed back with the release of the omnibus being aimed for halloween of next year. On the original plan, the omnibus was meant to be released in July of next year – but I’m less than 10 days from the first planned release date and I’m nowhere near ready with the first story’s complete second draft. At this point in time, I should be formatting and getting the cover finalized, and I’m absolutely not ready to even say it’s a solid draft, much less a complete one.

I’m worried that my writing creativity has mostly dried up with the adhd meds, whereas my artsy creativity seems to have fully reappeared. As such, I have actually started poking around in photoshop again and I will be thoroughly honest, I’d forgotten exactly how much I love to do that sort of thing.

As such, I have started a redbubble shop, and I can be found at https://www.redbubble.com/people/amdevine – I make a lot of moons, and text based things, though I am about to start getting into geometric patterns. I am looking into a zazzle shop as well, though Zazzle’s uploading system is a piece of shit, and it’s really hard to tell what the hell the products are while you’re trying to set them up for sale.

Extreme Life Update

Oh boy, this is going to be a massively longer update than usual, and I’ll try to divide it up pretty clearly so you can skip to the parts you want to read.

There will be discussions of Mental Health, Author’s Technology, Writing Goals, and basically whatever else I ramble to. The banners will be the color of the text here, just so that you can simply skim for the color if you want to.

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Where to begin to break the stigma?

It’s December and honestly, it’s a month I mostly hate. My favorite season and I hate it. Especially now. Most people would ask why and I would just grump them until they left me alone.

Now, I don’t think that should be what I do. In fact, it’s essentially the opposite of what I should do As a sufferer of mental illness.

I should help to #breakthestigma of Mental Illness.

Now, I thought my last post was long, this one takes the cake for the longest thing like this I’ve written on a blog or in a public place in a long while.

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Since I’ve realized…

That I am really bad about blogging on a theme, I’ve decided to just blog about me being me.

I’ll cover topics like: writing (both things I think about on writing and my actual writing), health, normal and/or unusual hair colors (and taking care of one’s hair if one does that stuff), those weird occasions that I do makeup for serious, crafting, pintrest projects, some of my reactions to real world events, food (though I should be managing to keep that over on ‘& the Scribe Cooks’), living with a few different mental issues, struggling with what I’ll call the Hoarder’s syndrome (my family are all hoarders – my mother is just the neatest of them – I’m fighting to not turn fully into one), and just the various things I think of.

Hopefully, this will be interesting, and it won’t piss anyone off too much. (I need to pull a ton of pictures off my phone for this, ye gods.)

On that note, today I’m being crafty while I’m doing the rewrite of O’Mally’s Station so I can get it to the submissions editor by midnight friday. I’m hoping to have it beta read tonight, (I’m really behind on that – I’d meant to have it to my beta tuesday morning early), and emailed to the editor sometime during the afternoon/evening friday.

Today’s crafty fun begins behind the cut:

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