Well, I managed to cross the finish line yesterday, and I managed to get quite a bit done. (Long post, ahoy!)
Tag: The Aurora Chronicles
Interestingly enough…
Amazon decided to price match, and I actually noticed it was live before I even got an email telling me about it.
Anyways, O’Mally’s Station is live and easy to find in several places!
That big announcement…
Oh, I actually gave it. Sort of. Amazon’s being a bit of a dick – and thus, I wasn’t able to make it as awesome as I wanted to.
This is a big post guys, I’m sorry.
So, here it goes!
With luck, or a bit of unholy chance, I will be making a huge announcement on my Facebook author page, (found here), on Friday August 14th 2015.
I am so excited! So very very excited! I’m not officially going to talk about it until then, but if you follow me on twitter HERE then you’ll probably pick up on what it might be!
So… Hi March, bye March, Hullo April…
Why am I not all the surprised that I fell off the planet for the month of march?
Long slightly ramble-y post will be long and ramble-y.
For one, Spock passed away the day after my last post. It took me a week to process that. And, at the same time, a friend gave me something new to fangirl over, and I pretty much spent the month of march being a dorky fangirl, while managing to score a couple of weeks worth of decent hours.
So I’ve tagged a few things on this post and I’ll make sure if you just want to read about one thing, you’ll be able to find it with ease. (Look for it in orange. You’ll find it.)