A. M. Devine, the author

Author A. M. Devine lives in Memphis, TN with her cat, Inkspot and dog, Magni. She spends her time writing and working (henceforth always referred to as the mundane job), and a good portion of her time cuddling with her pets.

She plays World of Warcraft (in possession of both horde and alliance toons), Destiny 2, Genshin Impact, and Honkai Star Rail. She likes to sew, and is moderately crafty.

AMD has been writing for over a decade; poetry, short stories, and longer original fiction. She has dabbled in the strange world of fanfiction as well. Currently, the various things she’s been working on can be found listed underneath the tab “The Writing”.

AMD did NaNoWriMo every year between 2004-2019, and she enjoyed her time with the NaNoWriMo population. Though the changes that were made to the website in 2019 made her continued participation difficult.

Also, AMD is good at helping people out when they need help in the realms of world building or naming of characters, as she holds close to her chest a couple of world building texts that are quite amazing and very useful.

AMD currently spends most of her time in sci-fi and fantasy worlds, though she is partial to current era and historical fiction.