Last day of NaNo 2015

Well, I managed to cross the finish line yesterday, and I managed to get quite a bit done. (Long post, ahoy!)


Some of what I got done was in the INDIGO universe. Initially, (pre-nanowrimo) I had thought about abandoning the Indigo idea – I had decided to give it a shot at getting more of an idea of what it would be during NaNo, and if I came out with nothing more by the end of the month, it was going to get abandoned. But as the month wore on, I was getting more and more little tidbits for the plot. I think I’m going to seriously dedicate some research time to it later, and we’ll see what all I can come up with. (Caste based society that has held at a steady rate for a couple of thousands of years – with religions and religious based things having been outlawed at least a thousand years earlier suddenly having ritualistic style murders? – And thus, the more interesting basis of the plot was born, and now to work out the other bits too.)


At the moment, I’m seriously rocking word counts in the Aurora Universe. Haven’t actually worked on much else, to be quite honest. I spent some serious time (two weeks, almost) on Accidental Ambassador (which, I think may need a new name) and a couple of days on the story of a Captain in Madeline Walsh’s era. I’m not entirely sure if the Captain actually predates Madeline Walsh or if she joins the fleet shortly after the beginning of the Madeline Walsh story. I’m still putting that plot together to figure out what’s what about it.

Additionally, I spent about a week back in Edwina O’Mally’s era, working on some of the Station 321 stories that shortly predate her arrival to the station.


This NaNoWriMo was a productive one, and I look forward to hopefully keeping up the speed of work that I’ve been putting in. (between 2k and 4k words a day) With any luck, I’ll be able to pick up enough speed that perhaps next year’s NaNoWriMo will include a personal goal of 100k, versus the usual 50K.


This December, I’ll be talking about how the plan for a year of writing went for me this year, and how I intend to make it better in 2016. And I’ll try to discuss indie author self promotion as well.