Since I’ve realized…

That I am really bad about blogging on a theme, I’ve decided to just blog about me being me.

I’ll cover topics like: writing (both things I think about on writing and my actual writing), health, normal and/or unusual hair colors (and taking care of one’s hair if one does that stuff), those weird occasions that I do makeup for serious, crafting, pintrest projects, some of my reactions to real world events, food (though I should be managing to keep that over on ‘& the Scribe Cooks’), living with a few different mental issues, struggling with what I’ll call the Hoarder’s syndrome (my family are all hoarders – my mother is just the neatest of them – I’m fighting to not turn fully into one), and just the various things I think of.

Hopefully, this will be interesting, and it won’t piss anyone off too much. (I need to pull a ton of pictures off my phone for this, ye gods.)

On that note, today I’m being crafty while I’m doing the rewrite of O’Mally’s Station so I can get it to the submissions editor by midnight friday. I’m hoping to have it beta read tonight, (I’m really behind on that – I’d meant to have it to my beta tuesday morning early), and emailed to the editor sometime during the afternoon/evening friday.

Today’s crafty fun begins behind the cut:

Every 2 pages I finish typing, I’m getting up and doing something kinda fun. (I’m having to do this because one, I have a short attention span today, and two my back is killing me, so sitting still for blocks of time begins to hurt.) Currently, these projects include:
-taking an old as heck clip in hair color streak that I dyed long ago this bright ass green and seeing about turning it a solid purple.
-taking the book case that I’m going to put up in my room and finally putting it together. I’m going to spray paint the inside back panel a nice metallic golden brown – mostly so the dang thing isn’t so dark. (By finally, I do mean finally. I bought it about a year ago, and had a lot of trouble picking a color to paint the back panel.)
-I’m going to make another batch of gluten free peanut butter cookies. (I’ll be sneaking those into a writer’s group friday night.)
-I’ll also, probably, be doing some serious cleaning and tossing out of things. Trash day is tomorrow, and I could easily make a couple bags up of stuff, I think.

I’ll be making a walmart run at some point, there’s a chicken recipe I want to try, and I need a couple ingredients, and I’d like a basket of some kind to corral my hair dye stuff (did I mention I like to play with and/or do hair things? ’cause I do).


Also, the Memphis NaNoWriMo region is running an unofficial Camp NaNoWriMo on facebook, so there will be updates about that