Like usual, I’m behind on something. And I do apologize for it to everyone.
On the forums, I had promised that I would start issuing a sort of present everything month. And, well, I never got my act together. Starting off 2013 deeply sick with the flu that’s been going around. Then, I added the second job, and managed to get a third job as well.
So, January was crazy. February is looking like it will be as well. But I have a slightly better plan for February, and hopefully, I can get back on track. The plan is below the cut…
Anyways, I’ve probably gained a few readers in the last week, since I’m changing my primary occupation. I’ll hopefully have a couple of days off between the change of primary jobs, and that will refresh my brain, and help me catch up on a ton of stuff.
And, I would get a short story finished, easily, and hopefully have it posted soon.
anyways, that’s all that i have time for tonight, since I am sitting on the couch with the widget that I nanny four nights a week.