Camp NaNoWriMo 2013

Woo hoo!

Welcome Campers!

It’s not quite that time of year again, this is more of a practice run.

But, My goal is to hit the correct word count per day for November on each of the 31 days of July. This means that I should hit 51,667 words by the end of the month.

We’ll see how that goes.

What am I writing about? At the time of this post being written, I have no bloody clue.

I usually start that way.

I have a few universes to play in. We’ll see where I decide to go.

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One thought on “Camp NaNoWriMo 2013”

  1. Oops! I haven’t started yet. I went out of town for the holiday and haven’t written a single word of it yet. I’ll try to catch up this weekend.

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